Su, a dedicated platform connected to all major OTAs takes away the onerous task of maintaining connections so a PMS can focus on their core business.
The beating heart of a hotel, a property management system is crafted to handle some of the most integral parts of a property’s operations – inventory management, online payments, and improving productivity from daily tasks. All these add up to impact what matters most – the bottom line.
Modern property management systems go a step further by providing many more features that make it a one-stop shop for a property. For PMS providers, these features come at a cost. The cost of maintaining integrations with third parties takes them away from their core business.
Let’s delve into it further with channel management as an example.
An average tier-one OTA typically makes 8 to 10 changes to their API every year. To stay fully integrated and pass on the benefits to properties requires all consumers of that API (including a connected PMS) to update their connection. This involves spending development effort to implement, test, and push out the change. Next, this update must be applied to every property connected to the OTA via the PMS. Lastly, every connected property must be trained to leverage this new feature.
That’s hours of time and money spent updating a single update from one channel.
Most PMS providers would need to be connected to multiple OTAs to offer comprehensive channel connectivity. With each channel pushing through updates, the time and resources spent in maintaining the integrations become exorbitant very quickly for a PMS. Time that can be spent by PMS providers focusing on their core business and growing the bottom line of their properties.
How Su fits in?
Su is a dedicated channel manager for PMS providers with more than 175 OTA connections. It easily connects with a PMS via an API and takes on the task of keeping up with the updates made by the OTAs. Without direct OTA connections to maintain, PMS providers can focus on spending precious resources on their core functionality.
Su is a platform for easy connectivity & total transparency for PMS, allowing them to maintain their brand offering for properties as a one-stop-shop for all their operational and distribution needs.
“At Su, we are committed in empowering the PMS providers with seamless connectivity to 175+ distribution channels worldwide so our partners could offer greater visibility to their customers.” says Franck Leprodhomme, Head of Sales – Su
“Of course, we know that connections alone aren’t enough, hence in addition to the channel manager, the Su platform is intuitive, reliable, agile, robust and scalable. We’re here to do the heavy lifting for you, so that you could focus on your core activities, grow your PMS and improve customer loyalty,” adds Franck
Keen to learn more about Su? Connect with the Su team at It’s easy to get started and stay connected, just like Su.